Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Teaching Speaking in Leisure Time

There are many way to teaching speaking in leisure time. And I give technique for teaching speaking in leisure time. There are techniques to provide open-ended questions which may lead to non-stop speaking and covers very common daily topics which everyone is familiar with.

The questions, which are intended to arouse learners to speak English, are also simple to answer for ordinary learners. They need practical ideas or knowledge but no deep academic or learners have more advanced knowledge about the topics and are interested to go deeper, there are also some possibilities provided for this.
The Objectives of the Course :
a. To encourage learners to practice speaking
b. To give learners’ ample opportunities to speak English during their leisure time
c. To feel that learning English is not difficult they think
d. To practice English language without thinking their grammar has to be perfect
e. To let learners realize that they can learn English from everyone or everywhere
f. To develop learners’ courage to speak English and to improve their oral fluency

Teaching Procedure
a. Teacher write some word about the topic (love) and ask to the students about the familiarize of words
b. And then teacher ask to the students about love, the example : Have you ever fallen in love? When was it? How did you feel? etc

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